The Importance of Restoration and Conservation in Art and Photography

The Importance of Restoration and Conservation in Art and Photography

Can you imagine a world where Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel frescoes didn’t exist? Or where Picasso's famous Guernica would disappear? What if we could never marvel at magnificent National Geographic wildlife photography?   This is simply impossible. As John Lubbock remarked: “Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.”  But even something a...

From Canisters of Film to Smartphones: How Digital Technology Has Changed Photography and Our Experiences

From Canisters of Film to Smartphones:  How Digital Technology Has Changed Photography and Our Experiences

The dazzling sunlight is making the sand sparkle like millions of tiny jewels, waves are crashing against the shore, and the deep blue sea looks infinite. You want to capture this enchanting view, but then crank the spool and realize you’ve used the 36 shots your 35mm roll of film permits. Now, smartphones turn those 36 images into endless captures. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? It depends on how we look at it. The era of digital cameras started in 1975 when Steven Sasson, an Eastman K...

Keeping Your Past Safe: How to Care for Your Photographs

Photo Careing - Facsimile

Photographs keep our history alive. They are portals into our stories and ancestors, allowing us to connect to the past. This is why it is crucial to keep them safe and take action to prevent them from losing quality over time. Being aware of hazards like environmental conditions or storage will help you make better choices to reduce the risk of losing those precious gems.  The main culprit of photo deterioration is environmental conditions. This can range from ordinary living conditions in d...